Chenghao portrait

Hello, I'm Chenghao. I'm currently a Software Development student at Boston University and I am looking for a Software Developer position. I enjoy building sites & apps. My focus is Front-End & Full-Stack.

About Me

After graduating with degree in Economics and Risk Management, I decided to pursue my passion for programming. I enrolled in a coding bootcamp and learned full-stack web development. My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is React, Next.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. I am also familiar with Python, Javascript, and TypeScript. I am always looking to learn new technologies. I am currently looking for a Full-Time/Intern position as a software developer.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, snowbarding, and playing with my dog. I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning about Japanese and philosophy. I'm also learning how to play the guitar.


Chrome Extension

This extension is tailored for programmers, ensuring that only coding-related websites remain within reach. Any site not related to programming gets directed into a 404-page page

  • Javascript
Car Rental App

Full-Stack Car Rental App

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind
  • MongoDB
AI Image Generator and Article Summarize

A public web app for quick analytics on text. It shows word count, character count and social media post limits.

  • React
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Tailwind

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.